Employment background checks

Marriage and birth certificate And More Verifications for the Employee

The purpose of this document is to contribute to data verification. If by chance the contractor has children under the age of fourteen, these certificates both admitted and dependent) will be required to complete another document on Employment background checks : the family allowance. In this case, you will also be required to present your child’s vaccination card. In addition, for dependents over seven years old, proof of school attendance is required.

However, if the staff member has a minor child who does not attend school due to disability, a medical certificate confirming this disability may be provided.

Declaration of dependents

The presentation of this document is required to be able to grant the Income Tax discount at the source. However, it is relevant to remember the rules for an employee to get this deduction:

  • Children over the age of twenty-one can only be included if they are in college or technical school
  • Expenditure on each dependent cannot exceed 2,847.76
  • Parents, grandparents and great-grandparents will be declared dependent if they have an income of up to 22,847.76 in the year.

Knowing this information is important for the human resources professional to avoid requiring an unnecessary document and also for their work not to be in vain.

Employment background checks

Medical certificate

According to the Labor Law Consolidation, this document is mandatory and must be paid by the employer, who is responsible for keeping the proof of the cost of all examinations or consultations performed by the employee.

Common clinical examination, blood, blood pressure analysis and heartbeat are usually required. However, depending on the function that the worker is to perform, it will be necessary to do more specific exams, such as audiometry, electrocardiogram, among others.

It is up to the company to properly orient the new employee the address of the place, the day and the scheduled time of the exam. This seems redundant, but the lack of clear communication at this stage is arguably the biggest cause of wasted time and money, and even delaying the admissions process. After the examinations, the occupational health certificate (ASO) will be issued, which is proof that the professional is able to perform the work for which he will be hired.

Declaration of rejection or request of transportation voucher

The employer is responsible for the displacement of the employee who may or may not choose to receive the transportation voucher. For this, an option term of this benefit is filled, which protects both the company and the employer. If the contractor has chosen to purchase, it will be mentioned the type and amount of driving to be used daily.

Other important documents

In addition to all the documents mentioned above, it is important to request:

  • Copy and original copy of the identity
  • Voter registration card
  • Social Integration Program for those who already work. In the case of the first job, registration in PIS must be done
  • Proofs (originals and copies) of address and education

Originals must be checked upon delivery with photocopies and immediately returned to the employee. Finally, it is necessary to request photographs for the medical record and preparation of the functional card. The number of photos will depend on the policy of each company.

All of these documents are essential for the company to fill out the employee form in the Digital Bookkeeping System of Tax, Social Security and Labor Obligations e-social.

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